What To Say When There\’s Nothing To Say

Hello to all of you!  We hope you are all safe, well, and getting through what is an extraordinarily disruptive time.

I’m fairly certain the last thing you need or want in your inbox right now is another note highlighting a company’s response to the current COVID-19 situation.  The situation for most in the world is so fluid right now, changing by the hour, that it’s hard to know exactly what to do.

So – what to say when there\’s nothing to say. Well, we\’d just like to say – \”we\’re here for you\”.

At TCA, we find some level of comfort immersed in the work we continue to do for our clients, and for creating education that evangelizes the importance of content strategy in today’s business. That’s not going away. It certainly won\’t change after all this settles, and is arguably more important than ever.

During one of our team calls – we decided that because we’re not traveling in the short term – we are making ourselves available via telephone or virtual session.

If, or when the time is right for you or your team, we’d be happy to do a free call (no charge, no sell, no pitch – just to chat) to help you perhaps make some positive steps in getting your “content strategy house” in order. We\’ll certainly talk about anything you like, but some of the topics that are top of mind for us at the moment include:

How bringing customer or internal events virtual isn’t just about scheduling webinars. You need to think about the over-arching content strategy of migrating to virtual events. We\’ve got ideas here.

We’ve been working on a framework for auditing all of your brand-purpose content. We just made it really work with a client engagement. And while the self-assessment for this isn’t ready for prime time yet, we’d be glad to take you through it if you’re thinking about getting better aligned on all that purpose-oriented content.

We’ve just completed and launched a self-assessment tool for the Operating Model of Content. If you’re thinking through your current content operations, it’s something you can do to see where you are.    

We’re all in this together (even at a respectable social distance). As we always say – we hope this is helpful in your work.

If you’d like to schedule a call – just hit our contact page – and let us know.  

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